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Birthday Wishes to mom – BestMessage

HAPPY BIRTHDAY To MoM , MoMs Mom, there is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I’m so lucky that I’ve found the best mother in this world. Happy birthday. Every

Happy Birthday Wishes SMS – BestMessage

Happy Birthday Wishes SMS No matter how much I grow up, still it seems that we were young yesterday. Love you so much bro. Happy birthday. Bro, I love you so much. May all the best blessings

Happy Birthday Wishes, Quotes ,sms, Messages , Sasyings

Happy Birthday Wishes For Lover I could never find a better friend than you in this whole world. Wishing you a Happy Birthday. Thanks my dear friend, for being the perfect partner of my simple life. Have

Love Poems

All I wanted was Someone to care for me, All I wanted was Someone who’d b there for me, All I ever wanted was Someone who’d b true, All I ever wanted was Someone like You, Happy

Love Is Just Like A Flower Short Love Poems

Love is just like a flower when the time is right it opens all doors to your heart when you start to think it will last forever it always starts fading away slowly you try to do

In My Heart Short Love Poems

Wherever you go Wherever you are Near or far Together or apart You will be forever IN MY HEART!!