Latest Friendship SMS
True friends are like diamonds,
They are real and rare.
False friends are like leaves,
They are scattered everywhere.
One tree can start a forest,
One smile can start friendship,
One touch can show love and care,
One friend like you can make life
You are my best friend !
are Two WordX With Same AlphbetX
They Are Very Important For FREINDSHIP
Because Only A True Friend
When You Are SILENT
Friends will come and friends will go
The session will change n
It will slow
I will age n so will u ..
But our friendship stays strong n true !
Best friend are those who understand each other,
believe, share, and forgive. They always are standing
side by side through good times and bad.
Make Sure That In Search Of A Perfect Person
You Don’t Loose A True One,
Perfection Is Fantasy
Truth Is Reality
You may be out of my Naza,
but u not out of my DIL.
You may be out of my reach,
but you not out of my SOCH.
I may be kuch bhi nahi 2 you.
but you’ll always b sab kuch 2 me.
Dosti aghar khuda hay tu kohnay na dena,
Dosti aghar gunnah hay tu honay na dena,
Kartay ho kisi dost say sachi dosti.
To us dost ko kabi ronay na dena.
I love the way you smile
at me and make me feel
that nothing can go wrong.
Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say,
It doesn’t start on March and ends on May,
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and every day
I wonder if you know how special you are;
I wonder if you know how precious you are;
I wonder if you know how lucky I am to have you in my life;
I love you so much.
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep,
Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep,
May all of your dreams and wishes come true,
because I couldn”t find a better friend like you…