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Friendship Sms Messages

Real friends are like Zero. When you add, they are same. When you subtract, they are same. When you multiply, they are same. When you try to divide, they become infinite! ———————————————————- With passing years, friends naturally

Best Friendship Messages

People live People die People Laugh People Cry Some give up Some will try Some say hi Some say bye Others may forget you but never will I. ———————————————————- Birth is from Mother, Advice is from Father;

Friendship Quotes Messages

Age appears2 b best in some things. Old wood best 2 burn. Old books best 2 read. Old rice best 2 eat & Old friends best 2 keep. ———————————————————- LV Belt 40k Ted Shoes 22k Armani Suit

friendship quotes sms

When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you… Why should only i suffer! ———————————————————- Happiness kill hungry, Sadness kill peace, Faith kill enemy, Friends kill your

friendship sms text

Sometimes having fun with your friend is all the therapy that you need! ———————————————————- When you give me a hug, You make me forget, About all my bad luck, And all the pain I have met. ———————————————————-

funny friendship sms

1 Advice – Don’t change 1 Request – Take care 1 Wish – Don’t forget me 1 Lie – I hate u 1 Truth – I miss u 1 Hope – We’ll always be Gud Friends. ———————————————————-