World Day Against Child Labour Messages, Wishes, sms ,Quotes
When is World Day Against Child Labour 2024?
Children are meant to play and study and World Day Against Child Labour is about creating awareness about it. June 12th is observed as World Day Against Child Labour and it is a day to share wishes, greetings and Child Labout quotes with everyone around you. Make it a meaningful day with Anti-Child Labour Day poster messages and Child Labour themes. Wish everyone with slogans on Child Labour and Child Labour Day messages.
What do you say on World Day Against Child Labour?
Given below is the collection of latest World Day Against Child Labour Messages, quotes, sayings and greetings to share with everyone on Facebook, WhatsApp.
World Against Child Labour Quotes 2024
A child is meant to learn, not to earn.
A child is your heart not born to push your cart.
A school should be their only workplace.
Buildings are built on big lands, work is done by tiny hands.
Cheap labour today, uneducated inefficient workforce tomorrow.
Child labour – evolution stops here.
Child labour brings illiteracy whereas child education brings literacy.
Child labour is a social crime, every child has a right to shine.
Child labour is a violation, you should concentrate on education.
Child labour is against nature.
Child labour is an illegal act.
Child labour is child abuse for which you have no excuse.
Child labour is devastation, they should concentrate on education.
Child labour is inhumane, Child labour is plain insane!
Child labour is very tough, don’t make their future rough.
Kids deserve to be happy, healthy and safe.
Let children be children, not child labourers.
Let them earn knowledge, not money.
Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.
Life of little ones is destroyed, when child labour is employed.
Understand your child’s pain and give him a chance of education to gain.
Understand your responsibility and free your children to study.
We should ban child labour by giving kids our favour.
Work is for adults, play and education is for children.
You have the power to create a better future. Treat your children well.
World Against Child Labour Messages 2024
Child labour isn’t the best, so give them a break, and let them rest.
Child labour perpetuates poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, and other social problems.
Child’s hands are too small to work; they look good holding a pencil.
Child’s mind is very fast; let them make it very vast.
Childhood is for learning and adulthood is for earning.
Children are not doing fine if they are in a factory Line.
Children are not made of wood but of blood and flesh, Stop Child labour.
Children are precious, let them be children, not workers.
Children deserve holding books, not bricks. Stop child labour!
Children have their whole lives to work a job; they have only a few years to be a child.
Children in pain can never gain.
Children just aren’t prepared for hours of working.
Children labour is severe; don’t make them shed a tear.
Children should be given full time to enjoy their childhood and study in school.
Children should be reading books not making them.
Give your kids a good education through child labour prevention.
How the future will be fine if you send your kids to the factory line.
It is a shame, it is a disgrace, to have kids work in the workplace.
Kids are pillars of the nation, send them to get an education. Stop child labour!
Kids are too small don’t make them do all.
World Against Child Labour SMS 2024
Children should fill their mind instead of filling their pockets.
Children who work a job lose precious time in their lives.
Don’t ask children to take the tool, instead, send them to school.
Don’t be a fart; give everybody a good start.
Don’t be blind towards your child, let them study.
Don’t be cruel and stop your kids to burn fuel.
Don’t be greedy; send your children to school.
Don’t be wild, don’t force work on a child.
Don’t be wild; only give education to your child.
Don’t let your kids get wage at their very little age.
Educated childhood will ensure economic development.
Education and awareness: The key to curbing the scourge of child labour.
Education is our right, stopping child labour is our fight.
Enough is enough; stop child labour.
Eradicate child labour and aspire for a better future.
Every child deserves a better life, help them to have one.
Feeding a child at school is such a simple thing – but it works miracles.
For a better nation stop child exploitation.
Give your child a pencil, but not to wash utensil.
Give your children education by fighting with child labour violation.
Slogans on World Child Labour Day
Never support child labour, children need your favour.
Nurture the child for the future, stop child labour.
Only the worst thief would steal someone’s childhood.
Prevent child labour; it forks the world from a better future.
Prohibit child to go to the workplace, child labour to school need to replace.
Raise your hand to get child labour banned.
Say no to child labour yes to education.
Say yes to quality education against the child labour violation.
Send your kids to classes, but not to wash tea glasses.
Show a child love and care, child labour is just not fair.
Small hands can handle a pen better.
Some girls cannot go to school because of child labour and child trafficking.
Stop being greedy, help a child needy. Raise voice against child labour!
Stop Child labour and give them the privilege to stand forward in the future generation.
Stop child labour and save precious children.
Stop child labour and start childcare.
Heart Touching Slogans on Child Labour
Stop child labour, the future depends on them.
Take your child’s favour and stop child labour.
Teach your neighbour to stop child labour.
The age of learning is childhood.
The child cries only to needs, but smiles always to thank.
The world revolves around the children. Children’s future revolves around education. Stop child labour.
There is no reason, there is no excuse – child labour is child abuse.
These children should be seen and heard, to have them working is absurd.
Today’s children are tomorrow’s future.
Child Labour Pictures Quotes