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Best Friendship Messages

People live People die
People Laugh People Cry
Some give up Some will try
Some say hi Some say bye
Others may forget you but never will I.
Birth is from Mother,
Advice is from Father;
Knowledge is from Teacher,
Life is from Life Partner;
But joy, fun, jokes and lifelong smiles are only from Friends!
I Miss my friends…

When I see some other gang sitting around, Caring, Slapping each other…
Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter…
Though strangers to me, they represent a part of my life I lost somewhere…
I miss my friends, I miss you all…

Stay Happy where ever you are Ameen
If you’re angry with your friend, just put aside your ego. Hug your friend and say – I need you idiot… at least to fight with me!
Life can give us a number of beautiful friends… but only true friends can give you a beautiful life!
As a Friend:
I asked you for a leaf, you gave me a flower;
I asked you for a stone, you gave me a statue;
I asked your a hanky to wipe my tears but you gave your hand.
Are you really…
I am the kind of friend who will help you hide a dead body;
But if you betray me – just remember, I know how to hide a dead body!
A single candle can illuminate an entire room.
A true friend dazzles up an entire lifetime.
Thanks for gifting me the bright lights of your friendship.
Thank you very much!
A true friend is someone who accepts your past,
Supports your present & encourages your future…
Friendship is not about finding the right person but creating the right relation.
It’s not how much we care in the beginning but how much we care till the end!

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