100+ Romantic Love Messages For Your Special Someone

If you need a dash of inspiration, explore these short and long love messages for a variety of romantic uses, from Valentine’s quotes and BestMessage love poems to every day text messages. Greet your loved one with a sweet message in the morning to start their day right, or say good night with a romantic text after a long day. Whether it’s your anniversary or simply another day on the calendar, your loved one is sure to appreciate any romantic messages from our list.

Romantic Messages For Your Boyfriend

  • Your voice is my favorite sound.
  • So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come.
  • If only you knew how much those little moments with you matter to me.
  • You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you.
  • I love when I catch you looking at me.
  • Somehow just hearing your name gives me butterflies.

Romantic Messages For Your Husband

  • Since the time I’ve met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile all the more, just because I have you, my life is a better place.
  • Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey.
  • You are my happily ever after.
  • You’re my paradise, and I’d happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.
  • Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more than I already do, you prove me wrong.
  • You are far more than my partner. You are my soulmate in every way.
  • Every day I continue to chose you, and every day that choice gets easier and easier.

Romantic Messages For Your Girlfriend

  • What on earth did I think about all the time before you?
  • If you were a movie, I’d watch you over and over again.
  • If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!
  • In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you.
  • When I wrap my arms around you, I really, really never want to let go.
  • How lucky am I to have fallen in love with my best friend?
  • Do you have any idea how much I miss you every second of the day that we’re not together?
  • Your smile is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
  • If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say “Simply Amazing.”

Romantic Messages For Your Wife

  • You do a million little things that bring joy to my life.
  • If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you
  • realize how special you are to me.
  • I know fairy tales come true because I have you.
  • There are only two times that I want to be with you: Now and Forever.
  • My six-word love story: “I can’t imagine life without you.”
  • You are my soulmate, my best friend—what would I do without you?
  • You add a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine to this day-to-day routine we call life.
  • I want to be the reason behind your beautiful smile today and every day.

Short Text Messages

  • Stop making me think about you! I’m busy.
  • Cuddling with you would be perfect right now
  • If nothing lasts forever, can I be your nothing?
  • You make my heart melt!
  • I couldn’t ignore you even if I wanted to.
  • Every moment away from you feels like a lifetime.

Cute Romantic Text Messages

  • Thank you for always making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world
  • Next time I hug you, I probably won’t let go for a long time.
  • I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.
  • Everyone has their own motivation to get up in the morning and face the day. You are mine.
  • Whenever my phone vibrates, I hope you’re the reason for it.

Witty Love Text Messages

  • You’re just like bacon. You make everything better.
  • Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole zoo when I am with you!
  • You are my Knight in shining boxer shorts.
  • You know I really want you to come over, but you’re so hot my air condition bill would skyrocket the second you stepped foot in the door!
  • I know you might be too busy today ⏰, but please add me to your to-do list ✔

Love SMS Ideas With Emojis

  • Life without you is like without
  • We make a great
  • I’m in ❤ with you.
  • You’ve up my ❤ and thrown away the
  • You’re my

Short Text Messages

  • You make me forget how to breathe.
  • Nobody is perfect, but you’re so close it’s scary
  • All I need is you right here.
  • You give me endless butterflies.
  • Just the thought of you right now makes my heart soar.
  • I love you more than I did yesterday but not more than I will tomorrow ❤
  • I can’t wait to come home to your beautiful face tonight.

Cute Romantic Text Messages

  • The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.
  • What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.
  • I always wake up smiling. I think it’s your fault.
  • I can’t explain the way you make me feel when I hear your voice or see your face, but I adore it.
  • I didn’t believe in fairy tales until I met you.
  • Just had to let you know…loving you is the best thing that happened to me

Witty Love Text Messages

  • Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back
  • I think you’re cuter than any cat picture
  • If Van Gogh had you as a subject, the sunflowers would have gone in the trash
  • If I were a stop light , I would turn red every time you passed by, so that I could stare at you a bit longer.
  • You wanna know who I’m in love with? Read the first word again ❤

Romantic SMS Ideas With Emojis

  • you be mine forever?
  • You’re my
  • you glad we found each other? You’re a great
  • To honor your beauty, I present you with a dozen red roses
  • You’ve turned my life ⬆⬇

Short Love Quotes

  • “You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” – Albert Einstein
  • “Love is friendship that has caught fire. […] It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” – Ann Landers
  • “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” – Mother Teresa
  • “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Where there is love, there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “If you wish to be loved, love.” – Seneca
  • “A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” – Max Müller
  • “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” – John Lennon
  • “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” – David Viscott
  • “Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Cute Love Quotes

  • “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks
  • “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
  • “Stolen kisses are always sweetest.” – Leigh Hunt
  • “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
  • “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Hermann Hesse
  • “Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.” – Ben Hecht
  • “To be your friend was all I ever wanted; to be your lover was all I ever dreamed.” – Valerie Lombardo
  • “A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.” – Brendan Francis
  • “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.” – Mr. Darcy, “Pride and Prejudice”

Cute Love Messages

  • Stealing your heart was the perfect crime.
  • Being with you is my favorite feeling.
  • You make my heart smile.
  • Did you know I have the best partner ever? I did.
  • Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. When I look at your picture, I am completely speechless!
  • I never believed the words in love songs until I met you.
  • You are the cheese to my pizza, and that’s saying something!
  • Even in a museum full of paintings, I would choose to gaze at you. You are a masterpiece!
  • I think I would miss you dearly if we had never met.
  • I love you every step of the way!

Romantic Good Morning Love Messages

  • As long as we’re together, our future is bright. Here’s to another new day. Good morning, my love!
  • Mornings are beautiful, but they are especially satisfying when I get to wake up beside you and that sweet smile of yours. It’s the best way to start the day.
  • I love every morning that you are with me. It makes me feel so close to you and so blessed in this life of ours. Good morning!
  • As I open my eyes to witness the beautiful sunshine, it feels like the warmth of your love is embracing me. Good morning my love.
  • The beauty of the morning sunshine is nothing compared to your natural glow. You truly are the most gorgeous ever!
  • Good morning! Another day of thinking about you. Save me some good morning kisses; I’ll take them later in person!
  • Good morning, my love. May you find lots of reasons to smile today!
  • Only the fortunate ones get the chance to wish their loved one a good morning when they wake up. I’m so lucky.
  • You are the first person I think of after opening my eyes each day. Sending you kisses and hugs for a wonderful day ahead!
  • Good morning to the one who rules my heart! Every day I feel blessed to spend my day with you. I love you!

Romantic Good Night Love Messages

  • Come to my dreams if you can. I’ll kiss you there.
  • Tonight I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart.
  • You will be the last thing I think of before I fall to sleep and the first thing to remember when I wake up.
  • Every day I spend with you is the new best day of my life. Can’t wait for the morning. Good night.
  • My days are worth it if I can end them with you by my side. Good night.
  • Sleeping is impossible when all I can think about is you. Good night!
  • The brightest thing in this world are your eyes when you look at me. I don’t want to see stars, but your eyes. Have a good night.
  • Before I fall asleep, I always picture what it would feel like to fall asleep in your arms. It’s the best feeling in the world.
  • I’m in my bed, you’re in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.
  • Every night I love coming back home. Because home is being in your arms. Good night.

Romantic Wedding Messages

  • When you fall, I will pick you up. When you are happy, I will share your joy. When you need a friend, I will be the first one there. I will always love you.
  • I used to not believe in soulmates. I’m here with you because you made me believe.
  • Even though I’m unsure about most things in life, I am certain that I love you, and I will continue to love you forever.
  • “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” — Joan Powers, “Pooh’s Little Instruction Book”
  • I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.
  • I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.
  • I never could grasp the meaning of “perfect”—until I met you. Suddenly the definition fell into place and my breath was taken away each moment I spent with you.
  • My soul saw you and it kind of went, “Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.”—Iain S. Thomas, “I Wrote This For You”
  • “Eventually soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.” — Robert Brault
  • “You have me. Until the last star in the galaxy dies, you have me.” — Amie Kaufman, “Illuminae”

Classic Love Letters For Her

  • Sometimes I just think back to the first time I laid eyes on you. I knew right then that I had found someone incredible. Ever since that very moment, all I have ever wanted was to be with you. No matter how dark my day is, seeing you always brightens it and makes me realize that with you, I am doing right. Your heart is so pure and so forgiving that it will always be the center of my attention, no matter what else is going on in my life. I look forward to this day and many more just like it for you will forever be in my heart.
  • You have gripped my soul with a ferocity reserved for a castaway clinging to a raft in the middle of the ocean. If my soul is the raft, it is your hold that keeps me afloat. Don’t ever let go. I love you.
  • Whenever I am with you, it is like having my emotional batteries recharged with joy. Your smile radiates into me. Your touch sends little shivers through my body. Your presence pleases my mind, and your soul pours peace on mine. I love you…madly, sincerely, completely, and with no reservation, in a way that is blissfully wonderful.

Classic Love Letters For Him

  • I want you to know that there’s no one who can replace you. The way you look, the way you always know what I am thinking about, the way you gave me hug when I need it the most, and the way you listen to me is priceless.
  • You have touched me more profoundly than I ever thought you could. I love you.
  • I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you, and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Every day seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love with me. It’s a truly wonderful gift. I will love you always.
  • You were already on my mind when I woke up this morning. Funny how I just can’t stop thinking about you. Six months ago we hadn’t even met, and now you are the most important person in my life. So, I just wanted to say I love you, and I can’t wait to see you again.

Love Poems For Him

“Love arrives / and in its train come ecstasies / old memories of pleasure / ancient histories of pain. / Yet if we are bold, / love strikes away the chains of fear / from our souls. / We are weaned from our timidity / In the flush of love’s light / we dare be brave / And suddenly we see / that love costs all we are / and will ever be. / Yet it is only love / which sets us free.” — “Touched by an Angel,” Maya Angelou
“My monkey-wrench man is my sweet patriotic; / the lover of my life, my youth and age. / My heart belongs to him and to him only; / the children of my flesh are his and bear his rage / Now grown to years advancing through the dozens / the honeyed kiss, the lips of wine and fire / fade blissfully into the distant years of yonder / but all my days of Happiness and wonder / are cradled in his arms and eyes entire. / They carry us under the waters of the world / out past the star posts of a distant planet / And creeping through the seaweed of the ocean / they tangle us with ropes and yarn of memories / where we have been together, you and I.” — “Love Song for Alex, 1979,” Margaret Walker
“I had not thought of violets late, / The wild, shy kind that spring beneath your feet / In wistful April days, when lovers mate / And wander through the fields in raptures sweet. / The thought of violets meant florists’ shops, / And bows and pins, and perfumed papers fine; / And garish lights, and mincing little fops / And cabarets and soaps, and deadening wines. / So far from sweet real things my thoughts had strayed, / I had forgot wide fields; and clear brown streams; / The perfect loveliness that God has made,— / Wild violets shy and Heaven-mounting dreams. / And now—unwittingly, you’ve made me dream / Of violets, and my soul’s forgotten gleam.” — “Sonnet,” Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson

Love Poems For Her

  • “But we loved with a love that was more than love— / I and my Annabel Lee— / With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven / Coveted her and me.” — “Annabel Lee,” Edgar Allan Poe
  • “I loved thee from the earliest dawn, / When first I saw thy beauty’s ray,/ And will, until life’s eve comes on, / And beauty’s blossom fades away; / And when all things go well with thee, / With smiles and tears remember me. / I’ll love thee when thy morn is past, / And wheedling gallantry is o’er, / When youth is lost in age’s blast, / And beauty can ascend no more. / And when life’s journey ends with thee, / O, then look back and think of me.” —”Early Affection,” George Moses Horton\
  • “There’s no doubt in my mind / a girl was born / for a man to hold, / to sway as one / to the sound of country music, / in his arms he embraces pure gold. / A man is born to love a girl / blond hair, black hair, brown hair, / straight or curled, / a man is born to love a girl.” — “Born to Love a Girl,” Steven S. Walkway